Accepted Papers and Tools

Research Track

Automatic Generation of Smell-free Unit Tests
João Afonso, José Campos
Continuous Fuzzing - A Study of the Effectiveness and Scalability of Fuzzing in CI/CD Pipelines
Thijs Klooster, Fatih Turkmen, Gerben Broenink, Ruben Ten Hove, Marcel Bohme
Grammar-Based Evolutionary Fuzzing for JSON-RPC APIs
Lisette Veldkamp, Mitchell Olsthoorn, Annibale Panichella
On the Strengths of Pure Evolutionary Algorithms in Generating Adversarial Examples
Antony Bartlett, Cynthia C. S. Liem, Annibale Panichella
PASTIS - A Collaborative Approach to Combine Heterogeneous Software Testing Techniques
Robin David, Richard Abou Chaaya, Christian Heitman

Fuzzing Tool Competition

AFL+++ - AFL++ with Token-Level Fuzzing
Marc Heuse
AFLSmart++ - Smarter Greybox Fuzzing
Van-Thuan Pham
AFLrustrust - A LibAFL-based AFL++ prototype
Andrea Fioraldi, Dominik Maier, Dongjia Zhang, Addison Crump
HasteFuzz - Full-Speed Fuzzing
Zhengjie Du, Yuekang Li
LearnPerfFuzz - Generating Pathological Inputs using Greybox Fuzzing with Knowledge Enhancement
Somiha Tasnim
LibAFL_libFuzzer - LibFuzzer on top of LibAFL
Addison Crump, Andrea Fioraldi, Dominik Maier, Dongjia Zhang
PASTIS - A Collaborative Approach to Combine Heterogeneous Software Testing Techniques
Robin David, Richard Abou Chaaya, Christian Heitman
R-Fuzz at SBFT'2023
Ju Chen, Chengyu Song, Heng Yin

Java Tool Competition

EvoSuite at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition
Sebastian Schweikl, Gordon Fraser, Andrea Arcuri
Kex at the SBFT 2023 Java Tool Competition
Azat Abdullin, Marat Akhin
UTBot at the SBFT 2023 Java Tool Competition
Dmitry Ivanov, Maxim Pelevin, Alexey Menshutin, Denis Fokin, Yury Kamenev, Sergey Pospelov, Egor Kulikov, Nikita Stroganov, Ivan Volkov

CPS Tool Competition

CRAG at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Paolo Arcaini, Ahmet Cetinkaya
EvoMBT at the 2023 SBFT Tool Competition
Raihana Ferdous, Chia-kang Hung, Fitsum Kifetew, Davide Prandi, Angelo Susi
RIGAA at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Dmytro Humeniuk, Foutse Khomh, Giuliano Antoniol
RoadSign at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Jon Ayerdi, Aitor Arrieta, Miren Illaramendi
Spirale at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Domenico De Vivo, Anna Rita Fasolino
WOGAN at the SBFT 2023 Tool Competition - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Jesper Winsten, Ivan Porres